Fall 1999-- E02--MW 5:30-6:45, SSB 206 Ref#32710     M 6:55-9:35, Lucas 100 Ref#32720

"When you try to pull just one thing out of the Universe, you find it attached to everything else." --John Muir 

EXAM 2 answer keys:
Odd numbers
Even numbers
Exam 3 answer Keys
Monday Nite, 6:55 section-only one version
Wednesday, 5:30 section, Version #1 Exams 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46
Wednesday, 5:30 section, Version #2 Exams 2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47
Wednesday, 5:30 section, Version #3 Exams 3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48
Wednesday, 5:30 section, Version #4 Exams 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49
Wednesday, 5:30 section, Version #5  Exams 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50
Final Grades will be in by Monday, and probably in the TRAIN systen (516-7000) by Tuesday. You can also E-mail for detail. Please don't call, as 200 phone calls and attendant phone tag is a terrible way to waste a life--and a life is a terrible thing to waste. Grade breaks will be at 90,80,70,60.

Prerequisites: Econ. 51, Stat. 131, Acctg. 145
Text: Production/Operations Management by Stevenson, 6th Ed'n, 1998; Packet from beta Alpha Psi
Beta Alpha Psi is in Room SSB 489, 314-516-6120 and is handling Packets

5 % Application Report
5 % two Computer Exercises (Individual effort) Late Penalty, 10 points, 1 class deadline.
90% three exams, 30% each, one page (double sided 8.5X11") notes, collaboration prohibited 
Dr. Bud Banis
Campus CCB 230, 314-516-6136 off-campus, 636-394-4950 (nights and weekends)
E-mail: WebPages,
Marsha Heine is the Grad Student Supplementary Instructor.  Marsha's e-mail is
Schedule for Group Review Sessions before the Third Exam:
 Saturday, Dec. 4, from 9am to 12noon in 204 SSB; Wednesday, Dec. 8,  from 6:55pm to 9:45pm in 213 CCB;  Thursday, Dec. 9, from 5:30pm to 8:30pm in 213 CCB; Saturday, Dec 11, from 9am to 12noon in 204 SSB

Approx Week             Topics                  Chapter                  
Aug 23          Introduction & Overview                 Chs. 1 & 2      scan
        Decision Making:
                Expected Utilities & Value of Information, Ch.2s 
                Sensitivity Analysis
Aug 30          Sequential Events /Decision Trees
                Joint Events /Reliability               Ch.4s
Labor day, No Class Sept 6

Sept 13         Facilities /Capacity Planning:          Ch.5
                "Location" Break even Analysis          Ch.8
                Spreadsheet Budgeting                   (packet)  ComputerExercises(Due Oct 11)
                Factor rating (spreadsheets)            Ch. 8     Computer Exercise(Due Oct 11)
Note due date of computer exercises changed to October 11
1)  Here are EXCEL sheets: these should also open in recent versions of LOTUS
jobrate.xls  and budget.xls   The parts of the sheets that you can change are shown in blue

2)Make your own EXCEL or LOTUS sheet
If you'd rather make your own spreadsheet, See the EXCEL Factor Rating Exercise in BA 103
note the formula design tips there. This spreadsheet can be assembled in less than 15 minutes if you design the formulas for copying. If you already did this assignment with me in BA 103, you can take this opportunity to expand on your experience, or just turn in the same assignment again for credit. For the Budget exercise, see the formulas in the handout.

3)  If you don't have a spreadsheet program:
Computer exercise student disk is downloadable here
this is a compiled old Lotus DOS Version-- download the self-extracting archive to an empty formatted floppy disk and extract the files by typing a:\studiskthis disk can then be used as described in the handouts. This is a compiled program in C. Don't try to use this with LOTUS or EXCEL. Unfortunately, these compiled spreadsheets are one more thing that doesn't work under Microsoft Windows NT.

Sept 20         Game theory, the "prisoner's dilemma",  (NIB)
                And other real world complications
                Statistical Quality Control           Ch. 10      
                & Total Quality Management              Ch. 9,11 

Exam #1 -Monday Sept 27
A few possible problems that might be on the exam--depends on whether I can work out the numbers. Does anyone have suggestions?:
1) Decision Tree--Putting shields on gas tanks in cars ($8.59 per car) would prevent some number of deaths by burning in rear-end collisions. How much would punitive damages in lawsuits have to be to give auto manufacturers enough incentive to install these shields?  Here is a problem recently presented to MBA students in MSIS483. You need Acrobat Reader to see this file, but you can download it free. A simplified version, with the tree already drawn, may be on this exam.
2) Break Even Analysis--A merchant credit card account can be set up with all kinds of different cost structures. I recently set up credit card acceptance at a website and made the decision on which deal to use based on projected volumes and breakeven analysis.
3) Game Theory--Spam (electronic junk mail) differs from junk paper mail in that the recipient, rather than the sender bears the cost. Bulk paper mail costs a minimum of 30-50 cents a piece (postage, materials and supplies, design, and labor). Sending 50 million would cost upwards of $15 million. But e-mail is cheap.
Spam only has a small fixed cost as you use other people's bandwidth to send send them all those get-rich-quick and improve-your-sex-life messages.
If only a few people send spam, they get rich because they only need a very small response rate when sending 50 million solicitations.  The cost of this is distributed over the millions of recipients, who have to pay for the connect time and spend time sorting and disposing. If a lot of people send spam, then the cost becomes outrageous and even the spammers get swamped in the cost of receiving and handling it. The Internet collapses.  The prisoner's dilemma model predicts that---  ....?
I might come up with some numbers for this and put the problem on this exam.

Exam 1 F99 Distribution
Exam 2 F99 Distribution

Historical Grade Distribution

Pictures from the first exam

Optimization models
Oct 4           Transportation Model                    Ch.8s,
                Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM)      (packet)
                Stepping Stone & MODI methods for optimization
                EXCEL spreadsheet of the book transportation model 
Oct 11          Linear Optimization Models                      Ch.5s
                Graphical solution, Sensitivity analysis        (Packet)
                Computer Solution
                The X-Y Company as an EXCEL Lp model
Scheduling & Inventory Management
Oct 18          Aggregate Planning - scheduling                 Ch.12
                Production Planning Spreadsheets 
                EOQ Model & Quantity discounts                  Ch.13
Oct 25          Service Level, Safety Stock & shortages; Reorder Point vs. Fixed Interval
                Economic Run Size (ERS) & JIT 
                Single Period Model
                Just in Time Philosophy                         Ch.15 scan
Exam #2 -Monday Nov 8
Answer Keys:
Odd numbers
Even numbers
Microscheduling/ job sequencing:
Nov 1-15                 Job Matching -Assignment Method                                             Ch.17
                                Assigning jobs--an example, as a PDF file, (you need the free add-in, Adobe Acrobat for this)
                                and an EXCEL Solver solution by Bill Cacheris of the MBA online program
                                Process Priority Rules/Johnson's rule
                                Facilities Layout/ Line Balancing                                                   Ch.6
Nov 12 last drop day
Turkey Day break Wednesday Nov 24-catch up time
Nov 22         Project management, CPM & PERT                  Ch.18 
Nov 29         Queuing: Infinite Source                        Ch.19      
Dec 6          Simulation & The Origins of Humankind           Ch.19s
               Learning Curves                                 Ch.7s 344-351 
               Efficiency, Time & Motion Studies               Ch.7 scan
Exam #3, 5:30 section Wednesday Dec 15, 5:30-7:30 pm;
6:55 section changed to Monday December 13--7:45-9:45 pm

Campus office CCB 230
On-campus phone 314-516-6136
Off-campus 636-394-4950
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